Summary: A very logical argument against the belief in God. OR How to debate those Jehovah's Witnesses when they come to your door?
Rating: 8 out of 10
Review: Have you ever been stopped by some total stranger and asked if you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart? And, did you have no idea what to say? Well, if this has happened to you and you are an atheist or agnostic, this is the book for you. This book is basically a point by point (almost, I will get to that in a moment) debate against Christianity and the belief in God.
Dawkins takes all the standard points made by theists and explains why they do not hold water. He also talks quite a bit about the bible and why it should not be a textbook for human morality (much less a history book). All in all, it is a fairly good book. He goes into so much detail that it can seem to drag on in some sections, but I enjoyed it for the most part.
My biggest problem was when
Dawkins would mention a major debating point and then say, "Well, I've talked about this in my other book, so I won't talk about it here". He does this a couple times and it got annoying. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this book. It probably won't be read by too many theists and get them converted, but that's not really what it is for. It is for those
atheists and non-theists that want some ammunition in the anti-Christian arsenal.