Monday, May 26, 2008

The Backyardigans: Live!

So, Jacob's favorite show is the Backyardigans. He is obsessed with them. I think Pablo might have been his first word. So, when we heard that a live-action theater performance of the Backyardigan's "We're Knights , That's Right" was coming close to us, we knew we had to go. Let me tell you, I have never seen so many kids in one room. It was crazy!

So, the only thing we got Jacob was a Backyardigan's magic wand. We already had the CD and they had a bunch of T-shirts, but he was happy with his wand. So, we found our seats and waited 15 minutes for the show to start. Jacob was really good waiting in the noisy room for his favorite guys. So, finally, the lights dimmed, the music started, and the curtain opened.

You know the type of outfit that mascots and theme park characters where? With a big outfit and even larger head (and probably 110 degrees inside)?

Fig 1: What we expected

Yeah, well, when the Backyardigans came out on stage, they were not dressed like that. Imagine a kid coming up to your door on Halloween wearing a costume they bought at Walmart. You know, the big one piece outfit with a hood with ears on it? Yeah, that was more like the costumes that the actors were wearing.

Fig 2: What we got

Well, you could say that I was a bit surprised that the production decided to go that way. After the initial surprise, I decided it would be fine. But, then the actors opened up there mouths. Jacob can tell you who is talking by the sound of their voices. But, these actors sounded nothing like the Backyardigans. So, now they didn't look like them or sound like them. What's next? Well, come to find out, I don't think these actors (for the most part) have ever seen an episode of Backyardigans. The Pablo character was a bad imitation of Nathan Lane, the Tyrone character was whiny and annoying, and Uniqua was not herself as well. Not an impressive start to the show.

But, we were not there for me, we were there for Jacob. So, if he was okay with it, then so was I. I looked over at him at the beginning of the show and you could tell he was perplexed. But, when the first character opened his/her mouth, that is when he started his scared crying. He was just freaked out by the weirdness of his beloved characters. I don't blame him. He calmed down and started watching the show, but every time the Backyardigans did something that was just too out of character, he would kind of cry. We felt bad forcing him (sort of) to stay and watch the show, but I think he did enjoy it in the end. I almost took him outside to calm down, but he wanted to stay and didn't cry at all in the second act. I'm sure he would have preferred mascot characters with prerecorded voices of the actual voice actors, but it wasn't a failed show for Jacob.

I would like to say that most of the kids there did seem to enjoy the show. I thought the Tasha actor did a really good job with the character and I thought the dragon was pretty funny. But, I think we will stick to the 10 minute show of Dora at King's Island. He loves that show, big-head Dora and all.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Eddie Izzard: Stripped (Stand Up Comedy Show)

Eddie Izzard is the hilarious English comedian/actor who made it big in the US from his hit HBO comedy performance "Dressed to Kill" in 1999. He has played a ton of bit parts in movies (including Ocean's 12 and 13, Mystery Men, etc.) and has the lead in the hit television show "The Riches". But, for us, Izzard became famous for the "Dressed to Kill" HBO special. That comedy routine is insanely quotable, it has become standard lingo in our family ("Do you have a flag?" or "Cake or death?"). So, when we (Sarah, really) found out that he was coming to Cincy on a comedy tour, we had to go. I was a little worried that this performance couldn't live up to his epic HBO show. But, it turned out, I had nothing to worry about.

The show was fantastic. Eddie walked out on stage and the sold out crowd went ballistic. From the moment he spoke, I was in tears. He was hilarious. At the beginning of the show he explained that he was going to talk about the entire history of the universe, from the big bang to present day. His hisotry bits are great; it's what he is best at. But, very soon into the show, another theme started to show. He really likes making fun of religions and religious extremists. He explained that he didn't believe in God and preceded to explain why it was ridiculous to believe in a personal God (of course, he did this in a very amusing way). When he started on this rant, you could tell some of the people in the audience were getting uncomfortable. I think a lot of the religious folk couldn't take Izzard poking at them. And, we are in Ohio, so it shouldn't be suprising to find some who are too stuck up to find the humor in their religion. In fact, a few people actually left to show. I love it when people are pushed out of the safe zone and are forced to actually think about what they believe.

So, the show was about the history of the planet and its people and critiques of religion. All in all, I don't think he could have picked a better theme (for me especially). I was very impressed with his performance and would definitely go back to see him. This show seemed just as good (if not better) as the "Dressed to Kill" routine. It was a fantastic show!

Here's a small bit from his critique of religion so you don't think he was just being mean: (Here is a video clip with poor sound quality: here ) "What about the 10th commandment? Thou shalt not covet (ie. want) thy neighbor's ox. Are you serious? What's wrong with wanting an ox? I shouldn't covet my neighbor's ox? But, THIS IS THE ENTIRE BASES OF TRADE!?!? How are you going to have an ox market without coveting oxen?"

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Movie Review: I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

Summary: Adam Sandler and Kevin James play two guys who have to get married in order to bypass a weird insurance law.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Okay, I was ready to hate this movie. I didn’t think the previews looked very good and I thought I had heard that it wasn’t very good. BUT, I found this movie to be really funny and it fit perfectly with Sadler’s other movies. Adam and Kevin had some great chemistry and worked well together. Most of Sandler’s crew were there doing there supporting actor thing, and it worked. There really isn’t much to say about this except that it is better than the title or previews lead you to believe. Good, solid, Adam Sandler movie.

Movie Review: MST3K: Manos: Hand of Fate

Summary: Mystery Science Theater 3000 makes fun of one of the worst movies ever to exist.

Rating: 2.0 out of 10

I love Mystery Science Theater 3000. It is/was a great show. They are really good at making fun of laughably bad sci-fi movies and hilariously awful monster flicks. But, when they started Manos: Hand of Fate, I had no idea it could be this bad. The Manos movie is so unbelievably horrible that it is impossible to watch, even with MST3K doing it. Manos is incredibly boring, really badly edited, the contrast was way too dark to see what was going on, the film was constantly out of focus, and the plot was uninteresting. No amount of humor could be added to this movie to make it watchable. Do not bother with this one. Did I mention that it was really bad?

The best part of this movie was that the disk came with a 30 minute blooper reel from MST3K. This bumped my rating up from a 1 to a 2.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Movie Review: My Kid Could Paint That

Summary: Documentary about a 4 year old abstract artist who’s painting go for thousands of dollars.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

This was a very good movie. It starts out as just a movie about the little girl painter and how she got into painting. Then the movie turns to the question of whether this is really art. How can you tell if her work is really good abstract art? Why is abstract art even considered art? How can her painting be worth thousands of dollars? I am not an abstract art kind of person. I don’t get it and don’t usually think that they are worth the money. This movie does a good job in combining a story about a cute little girl and questioning the validity of art. Good movie. A definite rent.

LFofW: Confusing currently unexplained with unexplainable

Because we do not currently have an adequate explanation for a phenomenon does not mean that it is forever unexplainable, or that it therefore defies the laws of nature or requires a paranormal explanation. An example of this is the "God of the Gaps" strategy of creationists that whatever we cannot currently explain is unexplainable and was therefore an act of god. The history of science has taught us, however, that even the most intransigent of natural mysteries may eventually yield to scientific investigation.