Monday, May 21, 2007

Movie Review: The Devil Wears Prada

Summary: Ugly duckling turns into a swan but realizes that she was better off as a swan. Or so one would think. It's actually just about a bitchy boss. A very bitchy boss.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10

Review: If you are a woman and have heard of a lot of fashion designers , you may like this movie. They name drop so many times that I think they must have been paid by all the big name designers. This movie should have been about the girl being assimilated into the fashion world, but it is not. It's all about Meryl Streep being the bitchy boss. This gets pretty old after the first hour. All in all, it's just a movie about a girl getting yelled at, a lot. Oh, and a hell of a lot of fashion stuff.

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