Summary: Take the movie Labyrinth and cross it with The Neverending Story and way too much Schindler's List.
Review: I heard a lot of good things about this movie. How is was different and a little weird. I do not recommend it. The movie consisted of two parts that were mixed together throughout the film. The first part was gorey and not needed. This is the Schindler's List part. Having never seen Schindler's List, I only mean that it was unneeded violence and kind of felt like a Quentin Tarentino movie. Lost of blood and gore for no reason. Not good. The other part of the movie was interesting and not bad. Lots of weird creatures and it was kind of interesting. The plot wasn't very good, but it was interesting. So, put the two styles together and you get a movie that just doesn't work for me.
Okay, wow. You need to see Schindler's List....
True, i haven't seen Schindler's List. I shouldn't have used that movie. What I was referring to was the Nazi-style military feeling in the movie.
Teresa & I have now seen it. We gave it a 6/10 due to violence. We both liked the fantasy parts much better than the realistic story-line: too graphic & too much detail. I really didn't need the close-ups of the torture and the whole mouth cutting/sewing!!Yuck!
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