Thursday, August 30, 2007

Current Podcasts

I have a really long drive to work. So, podcasts have become an integral part of my drive. They make the time just fly by. I have forgotten my Ipod a couple of times and the drive seems to last forever. Most of the podcasts I listen to are related to my hobbies, so it's no surprise that the board gaming podcasts are my favorite.

Here is a list of the podcasts that I am currently listening to (in order of my favorites):
1. The Dice Tower (audio) - Fantastic board gaming podcast with lots of interviews, funny skits, and lots of game reviews.
2. The Spiel (audio) - Great board gaming podcast featuring two gaming nerds from Indianapolis. Focuses mostly on gaming reviews.
3. Diggnation (video) - Two guys reviewing the top stories of the week from their news site "Digg".
4. Board Games with Scott (video) - Great game reviewing podcast. (He hasn't released a video in a while, since he started On Board Games.)
5. The Show with Ze Frank (video) - Weird, quick, random podcast about random topics. This podcast is very good, but not for everyone. He put out a podcast everyday for an entire year.
6. Skeptics Guide to the Universe (audio) - Great podcast with about five scientists talking about news stories, science reports, and logical thinking. This is a must for any skeptic thinkers out there. (Unfortuanatly, one of the podcasters died not long ago, so I don't know when the show is coming back)
7. Mr. Deity (video) - Hilarious 5-10 minute clips about God. Very tongue-in-cheek about religion. There hasn't been a release in a while. I think they are trying to get on television.
8. Best of YouTube (video) - Video clip from the most popular clip of the day on YouTube.
9. They Might Be Giants (music) - Rare and live music from TMBG.
10. On Board Games (audio) - I just started this podcast, but it's not bad. Three very different guys talk about Board Games. On guy is outgoing, one is in the business of games, and one is a game designer. Interesting concept, but a little bit dry.
11. Tips From the Top Floor (audio and video) - Great, long-lasting podcast about digital photography. Mark, the host, is very good. The podcasts are not very long and have a lot of commercials, though.
12. Skepticality (audio) - One great skeptic show. The official podcast of Skeptic Magazine. This was one of the original skeptic shows. Unfortunately, the hosts are a little bit awkward.
13. GameTrailers Wii (video) - This is where I hear about all the new Wii games.
14. NPR: Science Friday (audio) - Clips from the Friday science show on NPR with Ira Flatow.

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