Thursday, February 28, 2008

Movie Review: Blades of Glory

Summary: How can you make pairs figure skating even more exciting? How about we add Will Ferrell skating with Napoleon Dynamite? Oh, yeah.

7.5 out of 10

Before I rented this one (actually, we use Netflix) I was told it wasn’t very good. Even for a Will Ferrell movie. When you go into a Ferrell movie, you know what to expect: stupid situations mixed with “you can’t help but laugh” humor. His movies will not win an Oscar any time soon. You know this, and yet they are still freakin’ hilarious. BUT, I was told that this one was bad, even for Ferrell?! Let me tell you, this was not true. It was a great movie (again, for a Ferrell-style comedy). I laughed out loud at least a dozen times. Will Ferrell was the perfect complement to Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite). Will was the tough, manly skater compared to the very feminine and graceful Jon Heder. This proved the prefect combination for banter and hilariousness. Not only that, but the other actors were great: Amy Pholer (SNL), Jenna Fisher (The Office), and Will Arnett (Arrested Development). All in all, a good laugh that did not disappoint.

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